Sunday, August 11, 2019

Shaping a Life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Shaping a Life - Essay Example The realization came to me that I have lost a lot of time and that I was not getting any younger. I felt the need for a purpose for living so I decided to make things better by being focused of what I want to achieve in life. Things begun to change as I gathered myself up with my social life improving by the day, recuperating the self-esteem I have lost when I was walking without direction. Hard times pushed me to find comfort in relationships but the contentment I have been looking for was never satisfied so that finding the man who later became my husband gave me a fresh hope on love and life. I finally learned to trust a man on a deeper level where I know my respect to a person is equally reciprocated, making my marriage to my husband another big event in my life that has left an indelible impact. November 17, 2005 is a day to cherish for me and my husband exchanged vows on this wonderful day and wonderful things just kept coming. As we expressed our love to each other, our greate st blessings have been showered upon us in the coming years. My husband and I now have two beautiful children whom we cherish. As for me, their birth has been life changing. It made me feel a greater sense of value, leading me to reset my priorities. I can now say I am a mother full of love that I could shower upon my children and husband, making sure they will always be assured of the support and love expected from me.

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